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#3 Jacob Sneak Peak along with Robert "Bobby" S. Esposito
“What kind of Mexican are you?” (Notes in script form)
By L.G. Flores
****This is the ending of notes I posted in 2012 in the Psychobilly Fever broadcasts of the original "Pauley's..." landing page.
What prompt it was my uneasiness with “Chicano Power” and Brown Berets that at the time I had encountered. I didn’t like the militant look of their "uniforms". And I recall one Chicana years ago in front of me shout out "Chicano Power!" and gave me the impression of what I call “counter racist” motivation. She wasn't wearing a beret, but had a patch with the motto on it. She was my age. There was no instigation for her to start smalk talking about all Caucasians being the reason the world is all fucked up. ALL RACES HAVE HELPED FUCK IT UP.
"Counter Racism" is when the reaction to racism experienced, is returned back, even if not blatantly, and it seems to take away from breaking the barriers of hate and mistrust.
Not every member of the Brown Berets makes me feel they are countering real abuse with preaching separatism. But no one seemed to explain why they must dress as if they are part of a militia, when I asked 3 young members ranging from 19-25-ish years old. That's militarization of message. Hitler didn't use brown berets, but he started off his militia with brown shirts that ended up being what they were known for wearing. "The Brown Shirts". I have reason to feel uneasy, especially if those 3 couldn't make me feel more relaxed about the reasoning behind their "uniforms."
The premise of the chapter was a calm political discussion in the living room of Alex, Dennis and Mikey’s house. Mikey and Alex went on a beer run leaving Paul, Joe, Jacob, Bobby and my alter ego Gina. Dennis was in his room.
I did some notes of what I wanted to keep in mind when I started the chapter but then I got creative and self commented in the broadcast what would be the ending used. There are a lot of racial slurs used besides other vulgar language.
David B. aka "Dave's Not Here" reviewed it and loved it. His words to me were "DON'T STOP WRITING!". Luckily I wrote down the ending and found it in my notes binder after I thought I lost it. It needs work. Oh one last thing, I like that I get to talk shit to myself lol ****
What Kind Of Mexican Are You?
By L.G. Flores
Gina: “Flores may mean flowers in Spanish but the last name comes from Florence dipshit.”
Bobby: “You saying you’re Italian? Fuck off! Just because your name is Gina doesn’t mean shit. You’re still a fucking spic!”
Gina: “Really wop? Your guido ass still eats at Taco Bell and thinks it’s good.”
Bobby: “I hate Taco Bell!”
Gina: “Then Del Taco ASSHOLE; same fucking difference!”
Bobby: “Eat shit Gina!”
Gina: “Great take me to Taco Bell so I can do that prick!”
The Retards laugh. “Can’t we all just get along?” Joe quips.
Bobby: “Fuck you Joe; just because she’s Mikey’s bitch I tolerate her.”
Gina: “You’re fucking father!”
Bobby: “What the fuck you say!?!”
Gina: “You heard me cunt.”
Bobby starts getting up from the couch with the intention to lunge at me but Joe grabs his arm.
Joe: “Bobs she’s right.”
Bobby: “You saying my dad’s a bitch too!?!”
Joe: “No dick; I looked up Flores, she’s one of us.”
Bobby looks straight at me.
Gina: “I wouldn’t want to be a bigoted slut Bobs.”
Bobby: “Fuck this shit!”
He gets up to leave the living room and as he’s walking out his cousin Joe says “Bobby you are a bigoted slut.” He heard that and turns around.
Bobby: “My sex life is none of her business!”
Under my breath “Of course not, I’m the only chick he hasn’t gotten to fuck.”
Bobby: “What did you say?”
Gina: “You need a hearing aid?”
Bobby: “Say it to my face!”
He stomps towards me and I get up off my seat to meet him. “Gina chill!” Jacob commands.
Gina: “AH HELL NAH!!!”
I say still mad dogging Bobby; puffed up with my chin up. (This directed towards Bobby)
Gina: “I’m not afraid of you!”
Jacob stands to pull me away while Joe and Paul get in front of Bobby to block. He’s still hell bent to talk shit and I refuse to stand down.
Bobby: “I’m so fucking sick of you and all the shit that comes out of your mouth!”
Gina: “Right back at you jerk!”
Jacob: “You two need to quit, this isn’t cool anymore.”
Bobby: “I would if she wasn’t shoving her opinions down our throats.”
Gina: “You pissed because it’s not my dick down yours RO-BER-TO?”
Now he lunges and Joe and Paul hold him back and Jacob drags me out the front door by the arm.
Jacob: “NO! We were having a cool discussion about politics; but you and that fucktard took it elsewhere. You need to calm the fuck down!” Jacob lets go. “Gina, you’re better than this and stop talking like a guy, it sounds fucking vulgar!”
He’s right but fucking aye, that turd has a problem with me.
Gina: “He called me Mikey’s bitch!”
Jacob: “You called him a cunt! Ignore him and start acting like a lady!”
I don’t retort.
Jacob: “Now go back inside and apologize.”
Gina: “Why should I? He’s not!”
Jacob: “Because you’re above his shit and are supposed to have more class!”
Why does Jacob have to be right?
Gina: “Fine… I need a few minutes.”
Jacob: “Good. I will give you this; I never seen a woman dish it right back to him. If it didn’t get stupid, it would have been funny.”
I crack a smile. After a few minutes we both go back inside. Bobby is back sitting on the couch still fuming. He looks at us walking through the front door for a brief second, then looks straight ahead at the wall. Paul and Joe brace themselves for another round but shit a brick because…
Gina: “I’m sorry Bobby I said what I said to you.”
Jaws drop and Bobby does a double take. I continue.
Gina: I’m sorry I called you names and said your father; that wasn’t cool.”
He looks at me not sure what to make of this. His arms are folded and we could all tell he’s thinking of what to do next.
Bobby: “I’m sorry too.” But it was a whisper. Joe sitting next to him back hands his arm to say it louder.
Bobby: I’m sorry too!”
I walk up to him and extend my hand.
Gina: “Truce?”
He’s feeling like shit I was more man than he to apologize after all that was said. It takes him a few seconds but does put out his hand to shake mine.
Paul: “I never thought I’d see the day when you two would do that.” Paul tripping out; then I had to start back in.
Gina: “I still think you’re a putz, but you have feelings.” He (Bobby) snears.
Bobby: “Fuck you Gina!”
Gina: “Fuck you back Bobby!” Then Paul again.
Paul: “Well there passed that moment.”
(2013 behind the scenes with 2014 update.)
****This is the first attempt posting dialog like a script. I’m more used to “,” separating the lines for the dialog, but recently I was told it is confusing. I have to work on this and decide what would be the presentation style I’ll use. Anyhoo, Bobby doesn’t hide that he is a bigot, where as my character and the rest are more subtle about it. Racism does have its place in “Pauley’s…” mainly because Mikey is Caucasian and my character is a Latina.
There is one chapter where Mikey, Dennis, Lou and Jacob that are “white”; are my guests at a party where they stand out and unanticipated, supposed “Brown Pride” of the male majority present at the party, turns in to bullying because of macho bravado and seeing yet another "Mexican" girl bringing in "whiteboys" to "the barrio". Like it is an unsaid rule that they are not welcomed or wanted around.
To some Latinos that call themselves Chicanos that has a bad connotation for identification; THOUGH NOT ALL TO BE CLEAR, but to enough to be too many, the only white people they want to see are dead ones. Not kidding.
Alex that is of Cuban heritage has to help me, Annie and Juan that are of Mexican heritage back up the other white meat and get them the fuck out before they get jumped, and who knows what would have happened to me for "intermingling" with "The White Devil" since I was lovey dovey with Mikey and not being more "Raza" dating a Latino.
In an early chapter Alejandro "Alex" J. Mata and I are having our first real conversation and we speak in Spanglish, though just Spanish at first so we are not understood, and he shows he does see he’s surrounded by “pinche gabachos” (fucking honkies) and he's the only "beaner" of the bunch.
Another character that isn’t Caucasian is Paul H. Chou that is known by slang as an “ABC” (American Born Chinese). The joke about “Round Eyes” gets used but it is tongue in cheek, but more so that he may look like he's Chinese, but doesn't speak much of it because his family have been American for many generations and like it is for many children of children of children of children of immigrants, language tends not to survive to pass on fluently to be bilingual.
I explore all this because racial/heritage identity is an issue that I deal with besides seeing myself as American first when I have felt pressure to see myself as Mexican though my citizenship says I was born in the U.S.A. I know my heritage originates beyond the borders of my country, but even when explaining I'm only "Hispanic" by generalization, I'm in fact biracial for having European and "Indigenous" roots, I have felt that is considered not having "Brown Pride".
Why can't I just be proud that I'm part "white" and part "red" so I can celebrate them individually and then combined when I do show I have a Mexican heritage I appreciate?
Because other than my eye and hair color, there is no "brown" to my skin tone that the battle is over with racism; and I have felt that held against me by "my own people". Or it gets celebrated because my children ended up looking more European and not born with a "cactus leaf stapled to their forehead" which is a self aimed joke and to others a put down.
This is bullshit upon bullshit, upon more fucking bullshit! In other words, I have felt and seen others also held to and judged by the dogmatic thinking of haters.
It’s all meant as food for thought. Jacob however getting "me" to listen and behave in this last of the 3 sneak peeks does say something to y'all reading, but what exactly?
There you go, your first sneak peeks at who be Jacob and what he brings to the symposium full of zanies. ~L.G. ****